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Cranford Soccer Club

Helping foster the enhancement and development of soccer for Cranford residents of all ages and abilities

Sports Engine Help - Page Sections

Scroll-down to see the following sections:

  • Typical Sports Engine (SE) setup sequence
  • References for common SE needs/questions/issue resolution

Typical SE Setup Sequence

When CSC creates new teams in CSC's Sports Engine (SE) account, here is what you can expect:

1) Typically applies if your email has not joined CSC's SE account prior (if you have, the first step in your sequence is Step 2)

(a) If the email address in which you received the invite, is already registered to an existing Sports Engine account, you simply need to 'accept' the emailed invite to join CSC's SE account (organization).

(b) If the email address in which you received the invite, is not already registered to an existing Sports Engine account, you will be asked to create a Sports Engine account before completing the 'acceptance'

2) Once you accept the invite to CSC's SE account, AND after CSC publishes the Teams in Sports Engine, you should automatically see your player's new team in the app

Please be very thoughtful when completing the invite acceptance - incorrect steps in this process tend to create issues wherein the user overwrites the intended player's name with a sibling on the same Sports Engine account.  Please read steps thoroughly before processing them.

References for common needs/questions/issue resolution, are noted in the section below.

screenshot of typical emailed invite:

References for common SE needs/questions/issue resolution

Support references for common needs/questions regarding SportsEngine (SE).   

How to download the Sports Engine Mobile App.

How to link SportsEngine calendar to my personal calendar.

How to I change the email address linked to my player’s profile in SportsEngine.             

How do I accept an invite for my player...

  1. Search for the "Action Required: Invitation from Cranford Soccer Club" email sent by SportsEngine.

    • please note that invites are sent to the 'primary' email address on the Sports Connect account used to register the player - note Sports Connect is different than SportsEngine

  2. Open the email. Contained within is a link that prompts you to either create a SportsEngine Household or sign in with an existing one.

  3. A new screen appears asking you to accept the participation invitation.

    • If a person by that name does not exist in your household, click Add (name of person).

    • If a person by that name in your household already exists, choose their profile.

  4. Click Accept.

I can't see my team in the SportsEngine App...
When your team is hosted on the SE platform, we initially assign (link) the player SE profile to the primary email address on the SportsConnect (different than SportsEngine) account that was used to register your player.  If you do not see your player’s team when you login to SE, check your email inbox for the primary email address used to register your player – if you wish to change the ‘linked’ email address, see the reference below.

note from Tech Admin:  As to how to change the primary (linked) email address for an invited player:

·        If SE player account invite not yet accepted, club/team admins can send new invite with updated email address – this will change the linked email address on the player’s record

·        If SE player account invite already manually accepted OR auto-accepted (meaning the email on the invite is the same as an already existing SE account, and thus SE automatically Opted-in on behalf of the user), club/team admins must delete the player, and add a new player with the desired email address.

I want someone else to see my player's team and receive info.
SportsEngine uses a concept of Households and Guardians.  If you have a family/friend contact that you wish to have access to the team, please follow the directions to add a Guardian and Update your Household. 

note from Tech Admin:  please note, the club will not add this on your behalf due to SE privacy policies – SE actually does not allow organizational admins the permission to do this proactively or reactively.

Contact Us

Cranford Soccer Club

P.O. Box 903 
Cranford, New Jersey 07016

Cranford Soccer Club

P.O. Box 903 
Cranford, New Jersey 07016

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